Drink Beer N BS Podcast
The Drink Beer N Bulls#!t Podcast consists of 5 individuals. Swish, Rigo, Medie, Art and Johnny. The Show centers around the discussions of various topics from the supernatural like ghosts and hauntings to elusive cryptids like the Jersey Devil, Bigfoot, the Loch ness Monster and Champ. The show will cover anything and everything in between as well, like sports, Movies, Music and current events in the form of an entertaining variety show. All this while having a wide selection of adult beverages. All hosts are over the age of 21 and urge people to drink responsibly. We hope to bring an entertaining show to listeners and share some of our own personal stories and perspective for all to hear. We are not experts or professionals, we just want to Drink Beer N Bulls#!t!
Check out all our Social Media pages as well as YouTube channel and all platforms to download and stream the podcast. https://linktr.ee/drinkbeernbspodcast
Drink Beer N BS Podcast
Episode 31- Reptilians Bro!
As the episode nears its release and the hour of revelation draws closer, prepare yourself for the most chilling episode yet. The airwaves will crackle with the sinister whispers of a conspiracy so profound, it questions the very fabric of our reality. Are the tales of reptilian overlords merely the product of fevered imaginations, or do they hide a darker truth? Have these cold-blooded usurpers infiltrated the highest echelons of power in a silent coup for global domination? Or worse, have they been the puppeteers of humanity, molding our history with unseen, scaly hands?
The truth is closer than you think. Dare to listen as we peel back the layers of deception.
Drink Beer N Bulls#!t Podcast consists of 5 individuals. Swih-Medie-Rigo-Art-Johnny. The show will center around the discussion of various topics from the super natural like ghosts and hauntings to elusive mythical creatures including the likes of Bigfoot, Nessy, Champ, & The Jersey Devil ect. The show will cover anything and everything in-between as well, like Sports, Movies, Music & current events. All this while having some drinks to lighten the mood. We hope to bring an entertaining show to listeners and share some of our own personal stories and perspective for all to hear. We are not experts or professionals, we just want to Drink Beer N Bulls#!t. Click the link for all our social media pages and streaming platforms for our Drink Beer N Bulls#!t Podcast.
Check out all our Social Media pages as well as YouTube channel and all platforms to download and stream the podcast. https://linktr.ee/drinkbeernbspodcast